a video from the sunday storytellers event on october 6, 2024 at gastropark in west hartford. this is a song about the beautiful state of arizona and how horrifying it is to see the erosion of women's reproductive rights there - among many other states. as dark as it seems, i remain hopeful and diligent in working towards the coming dawn.
some images captured in feb. 2024 at the cove in stamford, ct to accompany my song ‘fragile’. the combination of birds in flight and the shoreline seemed fitting for a song about a world in which a 2 degree change in temperature could have a dramatic effect on both.
the storm
it's always a pleasure to share the stage with cat and dave from the north county band. amazing musicians and better people. this performance of ‘the storm’ was at the famous horseshoe cafe open mic night on monday 2.17.25. more than anything else i’ve written, this song gets a really nice reaction from people when they hear it and it’s one that i am particularly proud of.
take me alive
there is no place i enjoy playing more in fairfield county than the horseshoe cafe. friendliest room around. this performance of ‘take me alive’ is from my featured set there on 2.26.24